“ When you inhale, you are taking strength from God, when you exhale, it represents the service you are giving to the world. “ B.K.S.Iyengar

Yoga Classes
are held in Ganesha Studio at The Skincare Cafe on:
Monday @ 6pm (90 minutes)
Wednesday @ 6pm (75 minutes) ON ZOOM – not in Studio
Friday @ 9.30am (90 minutes)

Andrea Sissons
Yoga Instructor
Namaste (Possibly the most beautiful word ever said in Yoga… there are many interpretations, my favourite being, THE DIVINE LIGHT IN ME BOWS TO THE DIVINE LIGHT IN YOU.)
Years of Yoga
The Yoga classes are given by Andrea Sissons who has practised yoga for 25 years
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A friend /colleague/teacher of mine, Marion Bartko encouraged me to attend classes with her teacher Sharline, who taught according to the Traditional Mysore Style (thank you Marion!!!)
The Time I spent attending classes with Sharline Rofail of ” MYSORE * Yoga Cape Town “, was definitely a period of dedication & transformation as a student and as a teacher. I feel truly blessed and honored to have been able to study with her. Sharline introduced us to Laruga Glaser when she visited Cape Town in 2018, and I can only marvel at her discipline and Artistry. All these incredible teachers, among others, have strongly influenced my teaching and my own practice and I love to share this knowledge and experiences with my fellow students and friends.
MYSORE * being the Traditional style of Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Patthabi Jois/India.
The classes I teach are not MYSORE Style which is based on a self-practice, but a led Class following the Ashtanga Style of practice. it is suitable for ALL who wish to study YOGA.
Thank you and Namaste , Andrea.
Single Class
Get up'n Go
A 1 hour class ideal for Beginners
(to be scheduled soon)
Six Classes
Valid for 3 months
Students / Pensioners(not working) Rate Single Class
Ten Classes
valid for 4 months
Students Rate Ten Classes